The Cost of Inaccuracy in Healthcare

by The DermEngine Team on Dec 27, 2018

Patient medical records are vital to providing comprehensive care. To properly support physicians, EMR software must be accessible, accurate, and interoperable at all costs. So why are preventable medical errors the third most common cause of death in the United States?

Cloud Computing: Your Top 3 Questions Answered

by The DermEngine Team on Dec 12, 2018

Cloud computing is something we hear about in nearly any industry. However, due to its rapid increase in popularity many healthcare providers are left in the dust. The following article answers the top 3 most common questions asked by medical experts about using cloud EMRs.

Dermatology EMR Software: The Power Of Integration

by The DermEngine Team on Nov 30, 2018

EMR solutions have penetrated every healthcare sector One challenge remains: the vast majority of these systems cannot transfer data between one another. Known as interoperability, this criteria is proving to be a key factor for experts determining in whether an EMR system will meet their needs.

How Are Digital Health Technologies Changing The Dynamics Of Human Relationships?

by The DermEngine Team on Nov 14, 2018

With the increasing implementation of intelligent dermatology tools, the dynamic of healthcare relationships has forever been changed: patient-doctor, doctor-colleague, and (most ambiguously) doctor-technology. This article examines the three relationships and how this impacts quality of care.

How Accurate Is Your Patient’s Data?

by The DermEngine Team on Nov 6, 2018

In order to provide accurate, informed care patient medical files must be as up to date as they are accessible. Discover why in spite of the latest advancements to EMR software solutions this fails to be the case along with what healthcare providers are doing to combat this crisis.

Use Your Dermatology EMR To Create Connections- Not Strain Them

by The DermEngine Team on Sep 24, 2018

Due to the dermatologist shortage, physicians are often the first point of care for dermatology- related cases. What dermatology EMR software can doctors use to ensure that they provide quality care while preserving the time necessary to focus on other cases within their practice?

How Much Is Your EMR Software Costing You?

by The DermEngine Team on Jun 21, 2018

As doctors expand their practice, they have the opportunity to purchase from a wide variety of EMR systems. However, cloud-based and on-premise software operate so differently it can be hard to weigh their benefits. Read part 2 to discover the cost-efficacy and barriers on dermatology EMR software.