Cloud Computing: Your Top 3 Questions Answered

by The DermEngine Team on Dec 12, 2018

Cloud computing is something we hear about in nearly any industry; whether in healthcare, business, or personal life, the cloud seems to always have a place. Due to its rapid increase in popularity as a solution for data storage and management, many medical professionals may feel left in the dust. After all, who wouldn’t be with such an overwhelming amount of knowledge and change? The following article looks to address the top 3 most common myths & questions of using cloud EMRs in healthcare.

1.Will My Patients’ Data Remain Secure?
Undoubtedly the most important question in healthcare, there has been wide concern over the utilization of cloud-based EMRs for the risk of data breaches, loss, or theft. Whenever introduced with a new solution, it is important to examine what security measures are offered in order to maintain the safety and privacy of patient medical records and data.

Surprisingly, a 2012 cloud security report found that on-premise data storage software experiences an average of 61.4 attacks per year while in contrast cloud- users experience less than half at 27.8 attacks. Additionally, according to the California Data Breach report from 2013-2014, 70% of breaches in the healthcare were due to lost/stolen hardware or portable media (such as phones, tablets or laptops) containing un-encrypted data. In contrast, breaches in other sectors accounted for only 19% of the total security encounters.1

Encrypted Data Security In Healthcare

2. Can Cloud-EMRs Reduce Costs?
Like any product or service, the answer is heavily dependent on which brand/model is purchased and how it is used. For example, one EMR software may prove to greatly support one hospital’s workflows, but not be suitable in another. As a result, it is important to measure cost efficacy on a wider range of parameters such as:

  1. Interoperability: The ability to connect with other systems for the meaningful transfer of data for complete medical records and accessibility

  2. Organizational Agility: Realistically, an EMR is only as good as its ability to effectively store patient information.

  3. Scalability: When implementing a new EMR, it needs to support the practice both in the moment and for future growths, whether through upgradable plans, features, or storage abilities.

3.Who Will Own The Patient Data?
Directly related to the first question regarding security, many medical professionals worry that data ownership will transfer when using a cloud-based EMR. It is important to emphasize that all cloud storage systems are contractually required to have stored data be owned by that provider at all times (regardless of its storage location). As a result, any time that the patient, medical professional or institution requests access or the return of  any or all of this data it must be fulfilled.2

Cloud Computing icon DermEngine

Building on this concept, certain patient portals connected to the EMR solution allow for patients to directly review and download their healthcare information. Entirely based on the discretion of the healthcare provider, this is an increasingly popular solution to promote patient engagement, communication, and information accessibility and transparency.

As cloud-based EMR systems continue to increase as a solution to patient data storage and management, it is important that all stakeholders are educated on its benefits and applications; like any new technology, it must be thoroughly researched and determined if it is a correct fit for the practice or workplace. Although initially received with criticisms surrounding data security, efficiency and information ownership, cloud-based software in healthcare are proving to break down these barriers to become one of the most talked-about technologies.

-The MetaOptima Team


Would you like to learn how our cloud-based software, DermEngine, can support your practice? Book a tour today so we can help you determine how it will best suits your professional needs.

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Topics: Data EMR Interoperability EMR Software Cloud Computing Cloud Cloud EMR Software Cloud Based EMR Software Cloud EMR EMR Solutions