Patient-Oriented Total Body Photography: A Growing Practice

by The DermEngine Team on Dec 10, 2018

Total Body Photography (or full-body imaging) is useful for monitoring patients with a greater risk of developing skin cancer. However, with this method requires many imaging sessions in a clinic setting. How are dermatologists addressing this challenge while ensuring patients receive quality care?

The Importance Of Human Intervention In AI Dermatology Solutions

by The DermEngine Team on Dec 7, 2018

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the concept of learning through the use of powerful algorithms capable of outperform human experts in a variety of disciplines. However, such success is reliant on the relatively unknown tasks of “humans in the loop” for data labelling.

How Can Dermatology EMR Systems Optimize Patient-Doctor Communication?

by The DermEngine Team on Dec 5, 2018

Dermatology EMR systems are a crucial tool for data management in modern practices. Although patient data can be efficiently collected, stored and shared, the use of remote connectivity in cloud-based software is the key to effective patient-doctor communication.

5 Frequently Asked Questions About Teledermoscopy Answered

by The DermEngine Team on Dec 3, 2018

The advent of communication systems has allowed for the development of teledermatology services, where more recently teledermoscopy is helping improve the accuracy of diagnoses empowering doctors and patients to have an active fight against skin cancer.

How Is AI Changing SaaS In Dermatology?

by The DermEngine Team on Nov 29, 2018

The implementation of SaaS systems to dermatology services has changed the paradigm of how care is experienced by doctors and patients. AI is now helping further transform such services to have better efficiency, adaptability and safety.

Mobile Dermoscopy For Self-Imaging Patients

by The DermEngine Team on Nov 28, 2018

Skin cancer is a problem that affects us all. In spite of the widely recognized importance of skin cancer early detection, rates continue to increase. Overwhelmed, dermatologists are starting to empower patients with mobile dermoscopes to take skin cancer imaging into their own hands.

MetaOptima Prepares For Phase 1 Of The Canadian Technology Supercluster’s Project

by The DermEngine Team on Nov 27, 2018

The Canadian Digital Technology Supercluster is a nationwide initiative aiming to fund technological projects across the country. Today marks the official launch of Phase 1, where MetaOptima will collaborate with partners in the execution of the Dermatology Intelligent Imaging Network project.