How DermEngine Can Support Dermoscopy Services In Primary Care

by The DermEngine Team on Feb 19, 2019

Due to the dermatologist shortage, GPs and other healthcare providers are on the front lines in the fight against skin cancer. As physicians are managing an additional number of dermatology cases, how can DermEngine's intelligent dermatology tools help them adhere to best practice?

Top 3 Ways To Show Your Patients The Benefits Of Mobile Dermoscopy

by The DermEngine Team on Jan 30, 2019

Dermoscopy: known for its ability to increase the diagnostic accuracy of skin cancer, comes in many forms. Recently is the introduction of mobile dermoscopy for in-home imaging. What can medical experts do to convince patients that this is the next step in receiving accessible skin care services?

5 Facts About Teledermoscopy: Part 1

by The DermEngine Team on Jan 2, 2019

Teledermoscopy is increasingly becoming the technique of choice for doctors and patients alike for its affordability, ease of access and capability to cater a broad range of patients. The imaging details of dermoscopic images are a great resource for tackling melanoma and other skin cancers.

Teledermatology Market: Current Status And Projected Growth

by The DermEngine Team on Dec 24, 2018

Teledermatology market is expected to grow to USD 8.6 billion by 2024, with North America being the main geographical player worldwide. As modern dermatology software apply new technologies to support this practice, a broader range of patients are able to access life-saving services.

Mobile Dermoscopy For Active Patient Involvement

by The DermEngine Team on Nov 7, 2018

The use of dermoscopy has signified a great advancement in dermatology. Future directions predict the standard utilization of mobile dermoscopes for patient self-examination as a powerful instrument for skin cancer early detection and higher survival rates.

How Accurate Is Your Patient’s Data?

by The DermEngine Team on Nov 6, 2018

In order to provide accurate, informed care patient medical files must be as up to date as they are accessible. Discover why in spite of the latest advancements to EMR software solutions this fails to be the case along with what healthcare providers are doing to combat this crisis.

AI In Dermatology: Future Implications

by The DermEngine Team on Nov 5, 2018

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing many areas within dermatology practices. New advancements are changing how services are offered, but also posed challenges about implementation and regulation, where the human touch will never be replaced.