The Efficacy Of Dermoscopy: Part 2

by The DermEngine Team on Mar 19, 2018

In part 1 we investigated the accuracy of diagnoses with the use of digital dermoscopes like MoleScope II in contrast to without the use of a device. Part two will provide a more comprehensive look at cost-effectiveness while discussing potential methods for enhancing care in dermatology.

MetaOptima: A Ready To Rocket Winner!

by The DermEngine Team on Mar 16, 2018

We are excited to announce that MetaOptima Technology was listed as a winner of the Ready To Rocket contest in the area of Digital Health for its technologies (MoleScope, our mobile dermoscope and DermEngine, our intelligent dermatology software). Congratulations to all!

The Efficacy Of Dermoscopy: Part 1

by The DermEngine Team on Mar 14, 2018

Studies show a majority of dermatologists use a dermoscope, as it is an essential part of their practice. Although generally agreed that a digital dermatoscope valuable for the early detection of skin cancer and other skin conditions, the cost-effectiveness of this device remains widely speculated.

Dermatology: Education Through Technology

by The DermEngine Team on Mar 12, 2018

A variety of technologies are emerging to support dermatologists in their practice and enhance the education of medical students, researchers and professionals. See how teledermatology, content-based image retrieval, and online networking tools are revolutionizing the way medical professionals learn

Big Data: A Guide For Non-Technical People

by The DermEngine Team on Mar 8, 2018

In recent years, big data has become a buzzword when talking about growth in the technology sector. However, there are still confusions about exactly what big data is. This guide will go through the core concepts and ideas behind Big Data and with the goal of keeping it simple

MetaOptima: A Vision to Reality Awards BC Applicant

by The DermEngine Team on Mar 8, 2018

MetaOptima has applied to PwC's Vision to Reality (V2R) award program for our intelligent dermatology solutions. Every year, PwC looks for the most forward-thinking organizations in the nation to join their vibrant community of innovators and become part of Canada's story.

The Latest Advancements: Artificial Intelligence in Dermatology

by The DermEngine Team on Mar 2, 2018

Recently, there has been a considerable amount of hype surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) in dermatology. This article focuses on examining the accuracy, benefits, and applications of smart algorithms in AI developed by IBM Watson, Stanford University, and MetaOptima.