Insight into AAD 2018: The Value of Teledermatology

by The DermEngine Team on Mar 1, 2018

During AAD 2018, scientific sessions were held for a wide variety of relevant dermatology topics. One meeting focused on the importance of teledermoscopy towards delivering care to diverse populations. Click to see the highlights from key speakers and the direction for future innovations.

MetaOptima: a Part of BC's Superclusters

by The DermEngine Team on Feb 23, 2018

This month, the digital technology supercluster was chosen as one of five to receive federal funding. With support from federal government for innovations like DermEngine, Canadian ecosystems will flourish with innovation and economic growth, with a GDP growth of $15 billion over the next decade!

AAD Day Three: iPod Winner Announcement

by The DermEngine Team on Feb 21, 2018

The final day of AAD 2018 was our biggest success yet! Our members were working their hardest to show MoleScope and DermEngine to as many medical professionals as possible. At the end of the day, we drew our lucky iPod Touch winner- read on to find out who it is!

Day Two of AAD 2018

by The DermEngine Team on Feb 19, 2018

The 2nd day of AAD 2018 was very exciting! Our team spent the majority of the day demoing our intelligent dermatology software and advanced dermoscope.

Day One of AAD 2018

by The DermEngine Team on Feb 17, 2018

The first day of AAD 2018 was a huge success! The MetaOptima team was off to a great start, demoing DermEngine and MoleScope to interested distributors, dermatologists, and GPs alike.

AAD: A Special Offer for our Customers

by The DermEngine Team on Feb 15, 2018

AAD 2018 is less than two days away. To show our customers how much we appreciate their business, we will be promoting a special discount for three days only!

Gearing Up For American Academy Of Dermatology 2018

by The DermEngine Team on Feb 9, 2018

We'll soon be demoing DermEngine's latest intelligent dermatology software at AAD, and giving away iPod Touches! Check us out at Booth 4458 for your chance to win!