Cloud Computing: Your Top 3 Questions Answered

by The DermEngine Team on Dec 12, 2018

Cloud computing is something we hear about in nearly any industry. However, due to its rapid increase in popularity many healthcare providers are left in the dust. The following article answers the top 3 most common questions asked by medical experts about using cloud EMRs.

The Desperate Need For Total Digital Literacy In Healthcare

by The DermEngine Team on Dec 7, 2018

Technology has infiltrated every aspect of our lives. However, what may be welcomed as valuable to some is seen as an overwhelming challenge for others. How can technologies like EMRs, telemedicine, etriage, and apps support patient care when patients and/or doctors don't know how to use them?

Dermatology EMR Software: The Power Of Integration

by The DermEngine Team on Nov 30, 2018

EMR solutions have penetrated every healthcare sector One challenge remains: the vast majority of these systems cannot transfer data between one another. Known as interoperability, this criteria is proving to be a key factor for experts determining in whether an EMR system will meet their needs.

Skin Cancer Action Week: Empowering Patients & Doctors

by The DermEngine Team on Nov 20, 2018

It's National Skin Cancer Action Week in Australia. With 2 in 3 Australians diagnosed in their lifetime, it's important to educate people on the importance of skin cancer early detection. But where exactly are patients turning to seek medical support, and most importantly, are they receiving it?

Why Is Patient Engagement So Important And How Can It Be Achieved?

by The DermEngine Team on Nov 16, 2018

Patient engagement is identified as a major priority over the next 5 years for healthcare practices. However, an industry snapshot reveals that this fails to be the case. This article summarizes the importance of patient accessibility along with potential solutions such as teledermoscopy services.

Your Practice Will Evolve Over Time. Can You Say The Same About Your EMR?

by The DermEngine Team on Oct 24, 2018

Dermatology EMR is an essential component of nearly every practice. As needs expand or evolve over time, it is essential that all professional software supports these changes- not hold them back. Read on to learn the 3 key reasons your EMR should always be scalable to your practice.

How Are BC’s Supercluster Companies Supporting The Canadian Economy?

by The DermEngine Team on Oct 18, 2018

MetaOptima is partner with Change Healthcare to implement an intelligent dermatology network with the support of DermEngine and MoleScope for improved patient care across Canada. Rolling out in 2019, this is an exciting opportunity to extend affordable, accessible, and streamlined dermatology care.