What are Cloud-Based EMR Systems?

by Vladimir Ratushny on Apr 23, 2018

Cloud-based dermatology EMR software is set for rapid growth in the upcoming years. This article discusses the primary benefits of Cloud computing such as interoperability and data accessibility along with the challenges it must overcome for successful implementation.

MetaOptima at Telus Venture Summit 2018

by The DermEngine Team on Apr 11, 2018

Today, MetaOptima's CEO, Maryam Sadeghi is attending the Telus Ventures Summit held in Toronto to discuss the latest breakthroughs and innovations for artificial intelligence in dermatology and dermoscopy as well as speak on current applications and cases of AI in healthcare.

Maryam Sadeghi: One of B.C.'s Most Influential Women of 2018

by The DermEngine Team on Mar 29, 2018

We are proud to announce that our CEO, Maryam Sadeghi was announced as BC's Most Influential Woman in Health Tech in 2018! We'd like to congratulate her on this achievement and learn more about her journey to developing MoleScope (digital dermoscope) and DermEngine (intelligent dermatology software)

AI and the Healthcare Ecosystem

by The DermEngine Team on Nov 17, 2017

AI is increasingly used to enhance healthcare. Applications of tools like DermEngine (intelligent dermatology software) include cost reduction, predictive analytics, and improved patient outcomes