7 Key Tech Trends Dominating The Dermatology Industry

by The DermEngine Team on Jul 16, 2018

As the world of digital healthcare continues to evolve, how have the latest innovations been adopted within your practice? With such rapid changes occurring everyday, it might be hard to identify exactly what changes these are. Read on to discover seven key shifts in health tech (with a focus in dermoscopy/dermatology).

Big Data:  When utilized properly, big data holds the potential to uncover valuable insights within large quantities of data that would otherwise go unnoticed. Only one of many applications for big data is the use of predictive analytics, which utilizes data gathered from the patient’s health profile to create a comprehensive report to provide insight on future care or optimized treatment plans.

Total Body Photography: One of the hottest trends to hit the dermatology industry, total body photography combines the power of dermoscopy with the early detection benefits of skin cancer to effectively monitor patients for any changes of concern.  

MoleMatch DermEngine Dermatology

Within this feature, intelligent dermatology software such as DermEngine utilize a smart feature known as MoleMap which automatically identifies moles within an image of a patient’s back and transfers them to a 3D body map on their profile. Additionally, at subsequent visits the MoleMatch feature will identify and prioritize any changes between images over time to support the early detection of skin cancer.

Interoperability: Building on big data, patient information is at its most valuable when it can be gathered, processed, transferred, and understood between systems. Built on this principle, interoperability is the ability for machines to be able to "talk" and "understand" one another. Once developed, this will allow for streamlined data transferals, meaningful data extraction, leading the way for predictive analytics through the use of big data. As such, interoperability has become one of the biggest buzzwords to hit 2018.

Artificial Intelligence: At the heart of all the innovations listed above is artificial intelligence. With AI, you are able to develop intelligent algorithms to process big data at record speeds to provide new, crucial insights. Additionally,  AI has the power to match dermatologists at identifying skin cancer dermoscopy images. Although this tech is at the forefront of healthcare trends, experts agree it isn't here to replace doctors- rather support them in their clinical decisions for enhanced patient outcomes and optimized care.

Security: With the recent release of GDPR regulations, security and privacy have been a huge highlight for all industries, especially in healthcare. Due to the sensitive nature of information, practice management software must be equipped with the latest and most rigorous safety features to ensure that medical professionals are able to work confidently and securely within the system while patients feel that their personal information is entirely secured.

Cross Platform Security of Dermatology EMR Software

Saas: Quickly rising to dominate the market, Software as a Service (SaaS) is a type of software distribution in which the services are available online. Criteria for SaaS are that it is a Cloud-based platform, is widely accessible, and offers the utmost security. Due to the widely scalable nature of the platform mixed with the potential for cross-platform accessibility, many medical professionals are turning to cloud-based EMR dermatology solutions to expand their practice.

In this article, only seven key health tech trends were discussed. Although each had their unique benefits and purposes, underlying trends across the industry include a need for accessible, secure, and intelligent dermoscopy software and tools with the ultimate goals of greater access and understanding of patient data and optimized workflows and care outcomes.

-The MetaOptima Team
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Topics: Dermatology Dermoscopy Artificial Intelligence Total Body Photography Big Data Interoperability Dermatology Software Dermatoscopy Dermatology EMR Software Cloud Based EMR SaaS