EMR Systems: Paper, Server, or Cloud-Based?

by The DermEngine Team on Jul 16, 2024

Server-based EMR systems improve healthcare efficiency, data management, and patient care. Explore the benefits and challenges of transitioning from paper records.

Automatic Triage for Healthcare Workflows | The Power of Automation

by The DermEngine Team on Jun 20, 2024

Automatic triage leverages automation to streamline healthcare, improve efficiency, reduce wait times, and enhance patient outcomes through advanced technology integration.

We Did It! MetaOptima Announced As A Ready To Rocket Winner

by The DermEngine Team on Mar 12, 2019

Every year, Ready To Rocket announces an exclusive list of BC tech companies set to make a measurable impact within the community. Today, MetaOptima was announced as a Ready To Rocket company in the Digital Health sector for its development of DermEngine, our intelligent dermatology software!

MetaOptima honoured to host the official BC Supercluster announcement

by The DermEngine Team on Mar 5, 2019

MetaOptima is honoured to be the host of the first official Digital Tech Supercluster announcement. With a total investment of 950 millions by the Federal Government, Round 1 of this project is expected to drive Canada’s digital future with a $5B GDP boost and +13,000 jobs created in 10 years.

MetaOptima: a Part of BC's Superclusters

by The DermEngine Team on Feb 23, 2018

This month, the digital technology supercluster was chosen as one of five to receive federal funding. With support from federal government for innovations like DermEngine, Canadian ecosystems will flourish with innovation and economic growth, with a GDP growth of $15 billion over the next decade!

Canada's Digital Tech Supercluster

by The DermEngine Team on Feb 20, 2018

Digital Technology Supercluster was chosen as one of five to receive federal funding, with BC's tech sector generating $26 billion in annual revenue.

$3.5 Billion Has Been Invested In Digital Health So Far In 2017

by The DermEngine Team on Nov 6, 2017

$3.5 Billion Has Been Invested In Digital Health So Far In 2017. The largest areas are telehealth, patient recovery, big data, patient management, insurance.